Sunday, September 14, 2008

Logical Objective Science Vs Illogical Subjective Intuition

We should be calling intuition "The science of intuition". The word science according to Wikipedia means the following: Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge" or "to know") is the effort to discover, and increase human understanding of how the physical world works.

We can and do come to know the world through an intuitive process. Yet objective and logical scientists use intuition to discover new knowledge, that we then add to our database of what we know and call knowledge. Often times we can feel our way to a new conclusion and then seek to prove it mathematically or through experimentation.

The law of attraction states that as we state our intention we hold an intention in our minds. Then come into alignment with that intention, and we align ourselves with the feeling of having or discovering our question or goal. Then in our alignment it is revealed to us. We can have access to the collective consciousness or unconscious and tap into thoughts that have been thought since the beginning of time. Every thought that has ever been thought is made available to us for the asking. Does science with its strictly objective “tried and tested” methodology of strict trial and error, owe it success to an illogical and unfounded principle such as intuition?

Does science feel its way into the future? As we seek to push back and expand the frontiers of what we know, Is it being revealed to us a piece at a time? According to the law of attraction: “Whenever we ask it is given”. How is science any different than from asking for a new car, or a new house, or a soul mate?

If the observer can influence the observed, than we create our own reality or our collective reality, based upon our beliefs, expectations, and the story we tell about what happened or continues to happen. Quantum particles and waves of energy take on the shape of our thoughts. We are affecting the quantum field of causality. Each of us is a small gravity field generator. As particles or energy patterns fall into the event horizon of our gravitational fields, when we resonate with a particular object or event it is attracted into our environment or experience. This is partially what Vibrational Escrow and Law of Attraction mean.

The exponential growth that is occurring in the fields of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Particle physics and Quantum Cosmology can only come from one source, Intuition.

In the vast skies above, how is it that we know where to focus and point the Hubble Space Telescope? Are we just lucky or is there something more to it? It should take us at least 50 - 100 years to make the leaps and bounds that we are making in just a few months. We have found “Dark Matter Rings” and “Wandering Comet Galaxies” and “Bright Gaseous Galaxies” that produce brand new “Blue stars” as they unwind and lose Gaseous Mass and Dark Matter.

How or why have we been so lucky to find all these new things in such a short time? Who told us to point that Telescope in a particular slice of the night sky? With the tremendous amount of data to sift through and digest, we must be inundated with data. Analyzing that data should take many months, if not years to quantify and digest. How is it that we have we been so lucky?

Our focus is like a narrow flashlight beam, that is pointed at an enormous wall. Yet somehow we are making new discoveries at a fantastic rate. Who or what force is telling us to focus our attention on a particular part of the wall? Intuition I think, Law of Attraction is at play here. The human mechanism is a very complex apparatus. We are part physical and part energy. Our consciousness is not something that can be measured or graphed by any machine or apparatus. It is something that can only be described. As logical as we humans are, there is a lot to be said for the illogical, irrational intuitive mind. Law of attraction will get us there. We are currently discovering that we are much greater beings than we ever envisioned ourselves to be. We are physical beings, but much more than that we are “Vibrational Energy Beings” occupying a physical envelope for the purpose of exploring the universe in which we live. There is great joy in discovery. I wish all of you joy as you continue to discover the world in which you live. If you ask, it is given. Every time. No exceptions.



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