Saturday, September 27, 2008

Magic Number 739

Tonight I tabulated the numbers of people on Planet Earth who watched my videos on Youtube.
"The magic Number" came to 739. Now that may not be a very significant number by any means. I used to produce a Television show in New York city and had 22,000 viewers a week watching my TV show. I can't imagine what 22,000 people look like, so It is hard for me to realistically quantify by any shape or means what significance that has. I don't relate to that number. But I can quantify 739 and can relate to how many people that is. Therefore because of my ability to measure or quantify what 739 people look like, I feel a sense of satisfaction at what many would consider, an insignificant number.

We are only able to make sense of our reality based on our ability to quantify or measure anything. The ability of any conscious being to understand a concept is their ability to compare it to something they can relate to. The relationship between the observer and the observed is only real to the observer if they are able to quantify what it is that they observe. Otherwise the object that they observe is illusory or fails to make any logical or coherent sense, in terms of its ability to be observed and understood. When we can not measure something, it does not take on any reality that we can express to others. It becomes merely a concept or experience that we are unable to share or even discuss with others. THEREFORE WE WILL REMAIN SILENT UNTIL SOMEONE HAS A SIMILAR EXPERIENCE THEN WE HAVE AN OPENING TO DISCUSS OUR FINDINGS.

That is why scientists need to share and compare their notes. They are trying to assure that their findings are not delusional. It is also important to share knowledge because when we do we give each other inspiration and sometime fill in missing pieces that others may have observed or that we missed as we were distracted or trying to reach a different outcome or intention.

Whilst 739 is only an idea that we can interpret through our 5 sense and is turned into a chemical message that somehow our brain is able to comprehend through a very narrow doorway of perception, for now it will suffice. The thing about our attention and perception is that the narrow beam of what we are able to focus on or comprehend at any given time, that limits our comprehension of What is going on out there ? and what we think know ? We only know what we know, by sewing together the bits and pieces of what we have gathered together and think that we know as reality. This picture of fragments comprises our sense and perception of reality.

What do we now really about ourselves or reality. Doesn't that picture change as we grow in our comprehension of ourselves in relationship to the outside world.

We are quantifying who we are in or with respect to what we perceive about the outside world. It is only our relationship with the outside world that gives us a perception of who we are and who the world is. As that perception shifts, changes, and grows, our concept of who we are and what the world is, also continues to grow and change. Isn't it interesting how the number 739 can lead me to such a realization.



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