Sunday, October 26, 2008

Many Many Desires. Law of Atraction is Listening.

Today I awoke. No power in my Home. Its a very strange thing to awaken with no power. I was comforted by morning light that streamed through the open front door. I called the Power Authority. Perhaps I did not pay my Bill. I went outside to check the breaker box and called in for service. I went online and paid my bill thinking perhaps I had forgotten.

I decided I would go out for breakfast while they fixed the problem. A few minutes later my power was back on. Feeling comforted by this, I decided to play a little bit. I went online to check my newsgroups and chat room buddies. Nothing. I go through my emails and attend to business. I am not feeling ease or pleasure. Just interest and curiosity at what things I am seeing but nothing calls to me.

There is an undertow. Behind it all there is something gnawing away at me. Something that wants a voice, that wants my attention but I am needing to get my clarity about this before I can understand what it is. I am thinking about a woman. Someone who I feel much love and affection towards. She is on my thoughts and I am wondering what is going on in me. I am feeling a dis satisfaction at our most recent gathering. I am feeling that I have put myself upon her in some way. I am quietly pushing my agenda or expectation on her. Without realizing it of course, and yet I know that she must be aware of this silent pressure that I am applying. I want her to say that she is interested in a relationship but those words do not come from her lips. She speaks that she is wanting to accomplish what her intentions are. But she does not speak what those intentions are specifically.

I leave her frustrated that she will not utter the words I want to hear. I am alone. I feel longing. But I am exhausted so I console myself with the relief that sleep brings. I awaken and have clarity. I know what it is that I must do, just to set things straight. I compose a letter in which I communicate the following. Assumptions and Expectations are the two places where I get into trouble. The second thing I communicate is that, I am not indicating that it is her that I am wanting. I do indicate that it is someone like her, that I am wanting to be emotionally and physically intimate with. I feel relief as I express my truth in a honest and respectful way.

This satisfies 2 conditions. The first is it communicates my feelings towards her in a respectful and non invasive way. The second is that it tells the Universe, this or something better please. In either way, I reached a feeling of relief and have now come to be at peace with my situation.

Law of attraction is working in my Life. All is well.

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