Sunday, November 30, 2008

Things I am grateful for on Thanksgiving

Two days ago the Florida Department of Forestry or Putnam County of Forestry decided to do a "Burn" of some dead wood in my area and decided not to tell the residents. I was awakened in my home by thick smoke that penetrated my home and I could barely breathed. I called the sheriffs department and they asked if I wanted an Ambulance. I replied I cant wait for one, I feel sick so I decided to drive myself out of the area. I was calling to ask why there was smoke around my home and tehy replied thet Forestry decided to do a stress burn.

During this time I am sure I inhaled smoke for at least 1 hour whilst sleping.

Things I am grateful for,

O 2 levels at 99 percent. Been coughing up a little blood. Had 2 nose bleeds and felt somewhat drunk or woozie for 2 days. Lost a lot of strength..Had a dark brown coating over most of my tongue with four holes sort of burned in my tongue.

Ive been drinking 30 glasses of water a day and pissing like a race horse. I am taking mostly naps with moments of consciousness to drink, pee, or eat.
Now living mostly on a diet of Pommegrannet juices and teas, Blueberry juices and Teas, Various Green Teas with Ginseng, Acai Berry Juices and some antioxidants. and Fresh Air and Breath Yogas. Perhaps some time these may assist in some recovery. They have worked miracles for me;

Have not been able to eat or drink anything other than a little English Breakfast Tea, with milk and 2 pieces of rye bread with butter. Anything else turns my stomach and makes me feel sick except for the thought of simple fruits and fruit juices.

Been taking lots of naps in front of electric fans. Mostly burping and farting to off-gas. My tongue as of 1 hour ago has returned to red color and the holes in my tongue are healing. Tried some Hatha yoga this afternoon and feel my strength and stability coming back. Unfortunately I don't think I sustained enough damage for a law suit. Next time I will call an ambulance so they can come take me out of the Smokey area. (If I can wait till they get to me).

Responsible behavior by your local government officials who are concerned for you health. What a nightmare this has been.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Chop Wood, Carry Water

Even upon attaining enlightenment, once still has the duties of this life to carry on until one leaves the physical body. I am taking time to tidy my nest today, A mundane task but then again, I can make it a form of meditation and then it takes on a different form. It goes from being an ordinary daily task to being a task of sacred undertaking requiring my my most complete attention. According to native American tradition every moment is sacred. Every action can be an act of worship.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

When words fail

When words fail, I can always picture my desire. I Line up with my intention, and people come into alignment without my having to do anything except line up the energy. Eventually all things line up and I see my desires manifest before me, despite the fact that I am unable to put into words the things I am wanting. Vibrationally the universe understands the wish and eventually brings it into fruition.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Life on Mars

Tonight I had a vision of the future. It was not your lucid dreaming,
eyes open type of dream. This was more of a dream as if I was hearing
a story being told to me. The odd bit is that this story has a strong
feeling of realism as if it has happened already.

The story is sort of a western, but it takes place on Mars. It is a
story set into the future where we have colonized on mars. The type of
people who have colonized this new world are very independent people,
who for a short while want a taste of freedom. The type of freedom
that can only be had, by breaking away from the earth and the ever
watchful eye of its government.

The Earth government will of course be aware of this, as the only
types of people capable of settling a new colony are the type of
people who seek personal freedom and independence from the eyes of
government. The problem is, the government will turn a blind eye to
this for a moment whilst the colony is settled for the purpose of profit.

I foresee a time where these people will want freedom, from the Earth
and will attempt to declare their independence from earth and attempt
to break free as an independent entity. At this point I am sure some
form of interplanetary war will ensue with lives being lost both on
earth and on Mars. The eventuality is that Mars may gain its
independence from Earth after a long and bloody battle.

Unless people on this planet evolve and transcend the current thinking
pattern, all these things I have stated will come to pass. Its not a
matter of if they will happen, it is a matter of when. Mankind must
and will expand. It is our nature to explore. The only question in my
mind is are we going to spread as an evolved race or as a virus into
space colonizing and conquering as we go ? How long until we evolve as
a spiritual entity ? We are evolving technologically and as long as
their is no spiritual growth then war is coming and will continue
until we evolve beyond the ego.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Star Wars and other Tales

The sacred ancient Indian texts tell tales of wars from space fought
on earth and for our salvation. The weapons and ships described sound
very much like ships used in star wars. Could we be in the throes of a
Galactic War and be unaware of this? Who are the Anaanaki ?

Are humans bread as a slave class ? Was Jehovah an ET ? Was Ezekiel
and Elijah taken up in a UFO. That would mean that Judaism and
Christianity are based on visits from extra terrestrials. Are George
Bush and The Queen of England descended from a Lizard Race that
interbred with humans ? Who are the Illuminati ? Science fiction ?

What is reality anyway ? Are we part of a 3 dimensional virtual
construct ? Love is the only reality that seems to make sense. When I
am loving I feel truly powerful and part of a larger intelligence. I
feel guided and my movements are sure footed. I am confident and I
seem to be in rhythm with the universe. My true self is not my mind
and not my body. I have been outside this body looking down. What was
that ?

When ever I ask it is given. I can manifest my desires and I seem to
know when things are going to happen. I always attract my thoughts and
feelings. What is this power that I have that no one wants to
acknowledge ?

We live in a fear based society. I see people at their jobs running
around in fear of loosing their job, as though that was the only way
they can support themselves. They will put up with all sorts of abuse
just to get a paycheck at the end of the week. They stay at a job they
hate.and loathe. Why do we live in fear if love is so much more
powerful ?

When people begin to ask questions that seem to be outside the box and
they begin to think for them selves, does this mean that someday all
men and women will live to experience and express their god given
potential ?

Saturday, November 8, 2008


We are creators, and beyond that we are explorers. We are here to explore inner and outer space. To go everywhere. No limits. To know everything and see it all and beyond. It will never cease. The joy of discovery of new things never ends. It is when we cease to explore and become complacent, that life ceases to be new and exciting. When one makes up their mind what everything is, then we kill the aliveness of a thing and it ceases to have new possibilities for us. This includes ourselves. To decide who and what we are is a death penalty. We have limited our potential for possibility. We are endless potentials and endless possibilities. Never let anyone tell you this is all you will ever be or can be. When you argue for your limits they are yours. Blessings and happy journeys space fans where ever you may be.


Thursday, November 6, 2008


I am only focused on love. Last thing I think at night is sending it to everyone. First thing in the morning I think is that I am focused on how to exemplify love all throughout my day. There is no cause or thought or motive more worthy or more important that my focusing my self on loving everyone and everything and coming into alignment with that reality. No one, no thing is worth my removing my focus from feeling good and sensing, sending and experiencing love.

There is no greater joy or cause that I will permit or allow myself to remove my focus from this thing. Nothing is worth more or more important than this. Every where I go I experience love and joy. All is well.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Wandering Jews

"Not all who wander are lost"

Today I was filled with dread as I realize that it is Novemeber 4 of 2008 and my lease is up on my home on December 31st of this year.

Why was I filled with dread ?

Because up till now I have no "Plan B". No place to move into, no roof above my head that I may call my own. I will be homeless.

This is not because I dont have money to pay rent or a job to support myself. It is because many other causes have been calling my attention till now. Now I feel the pressure to find a place to live. All day my mind is filled with thoughts of finding a serviceable domicile in which to dwell.

I start asking friends as the people I have contacted who have property have not returned my phone calls. I feel increasingly anxious as the day goes on. I tell my friends, I"I must look for a place to live" as I run out the door. They yell good luck and I am off like a shot. Meanwhile I have commitments to keep and people with whom I must keep agreements. The day becomes one blur as one event blends seamlessly into another.

I am tired and hungry, it is time to go home and lick my wounds. I give one final phone call to my first choice apartment to rent. The phone rings.... a person answers. Hello, is this so and so ? Yes this is she. I immediately explain who I am and why I am calling, during their dinner time, and that I apologize for the intrusion.

My call is well received. (Thank god for good manners) I have scheduled a meeting to look at the apartment of my choice. I feel a sigh of relief come over me. I will have a place to live come January 1st of 2009. I am saved. I am home now. I shower and remove the day from my flesh. I begin to ponder...

Now I understand what my ancestors felt as they wandered through the desert for 40 years with no roof over their head, and no home to call their own. The European Jews in exile with no homeland or place to call their own until recently. The Shylocks and Merchants of Venice or Spain or London.

Being homeless is a scary proposition for anyone. But to be a people in exile like the Dalai Lama and the people of Tibet. This is very unsettling. They have been dispossessed by the Peoples Republic of China. The Dalai Lama sent for the Jews of the United states to teach him the secrets of a people living in exile.

Most of all, you have to have faith in yourself and you have to make your way in the world no matter what your circumstance. We make our own lick. There is no substitute for persistence and perseverance. We are all homeless when we die. We have no body to return to and the universe becomes our home. Where do we belong ? Amongst those who love us. When we find love and acceptance, then we are truly home.

I am learning

I am beginning to learn that I am much greater than what I see with my five senses

I am learning not to fear
I am learning I am not my body
I am learning that I am a multi dimensional being
I am learning that it is safe to travel outside my body
I am learning that by raising my vibration I can travel between dimensions
I am begining to remember who and what I am
I am learning that I am an immortal being
I am learning that there is no death
I am learning that the universe is a wonderful place
I am learning that we get what we think about
I am learning that we are vibrational beings
I am learning that nothing is more powerful than love
I am learning to be free

I am learning that we access to infinite guidance
I am learning that when we leave our body that people want to talk to us
I am learning that people who are non physical are waiting to talk to us
I am learning that when we learn to leave the body we become interesting
I am learning that we have a choice where we go when we leave our body
I am learning that we are 22 dimensional beings
I am learning that we have an lower Astral Body and a higher Astral body
I am learning that we have access to different dimensions as we learn to raise ouf vibration

I am learning who I am
I am learning that when I decide who I am that I limit what I can be
I am learning that there is nothing I can not do, be or have
I am learning that we are our thoughts
I am learning that we attract what we think

I am learning that The Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Bhuddists only have a piece of the truth and combined they are much more powerful than their individual parts

I am learning that we are divine children
I am learning that we are all parts of the whole
I am learning that we are all connected
I am learning that the truth is
I am learning that we all inherently know the truth
I am learning that the truth takes the shape of what we think about
I am learning that we are all energy beings
I am learning that we each create our reality
I am learning that only a mind that can accept this will realize it for what it is
I am learning that there are as many different universes as there are realities
I am learning that I live in a multiverse

I am learning that the truth is powerful and does set you free
I am learning that others would have you accept their truth in order to control you

I am learning that others would have you accept only their truth because they are frightened by new realities

I am learning that in order to set yourself free you must learn to consciously leave your body and return safely and without fear.

I am learning that we are all waking up to who we are.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hurricaine Season is over

Thank God, today marks the end of Hurricane season. It passed with no ill effects for us here in North Central Florida. I put away the NOAA radios till next year. I am glad it is over, but I did not take my cruise to Nassau. Now the price of a cruise will go up again till next hurricane season. Sadly enough I did not go the the beach this last summer. I worked pretty much and then had some other interruptions to my life. Perhaps I will take a cruise to Nassau anyway. Well at least we dodged the hurricanes this year. I am breathing a little easier this morning.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


You can only repress a spirit so much, until it must lash out or break out, to find its expression. You can try but you can not bend , mold or force a spirit into a shape other than the shape it has been destined to take.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Joy of Trying New Things

Tonight I had a conversation with a new friend. I am open to new ideas and new experiences. I am looking at old friends with new eyes so as to see them in new ways and allow them to be different from what I have previously learned about them. I even tried a new drink tonight that is banana strawberry nectar. I am surprised at how wonderful this beverage is. Its a wonderful surprise. I am an sort of old fart making new friends and I am willing to see myself in new ways as well. I am an new old Fart. LOL.

As long as I can continue to see the world with new eyes I will have excitement and energy to venture forth in my world with enthusiasm. New perspectives create excitement and adventure. This feeling of newness fuels me with fresh energy and gives me the juice that I need to get through my day. It is a joyful event for me to have my world be new again.



Many Many Desires. Law of Atraction is Listening.

Today I awoke. No power in my Home. Its a very strange thing to awaken with no power. I was comforted by morning light that streamed through the open front door. I called the Power Authority. Perhaps I did not pay my Bill. I went outside to check the breaker box and called in for service. I went online and paid my bill thinking perhaps I had forgotten.

I decided I would go out for breakfast while they fixed the problem. A few minutes later my power was back on. Feeling comforted by this, I decided to play a little bit. I went online to check my newsgroups and chat room buddies. Nothing. I go through my emails and attend to business. I am not feeling ease or pleasure. Just interest and curiosity at what things I am seeing but nothing calls to me.

There is an undertow. Behind it all there is something gnawing away at me. Something that wants a voice, that wants my attention but I am needing to get my clarity about this before I can understand what it is. I am thinking about a woman. Someone who I feel much love and affection towards. She is on my thoughts and I am wondering what is going on in me. I am feeling a dis satisfaction at our most recent gathering. I am feeling that I have put myself upon her in some way. I am quietly pushing my agenda or expectation on her. Without realizing it of course, and yet I know that she must be aware of this silent pressure that I am applying. I want her to say that she is interested in a relationship but those words do not come from her lips. She speaks that she is wanting to accomplish what her intentions are. But she does not speak what those intentions are specifically.

I leave her frustrated that she will not utter the words I want to hear. I am alone. I feel longing. But I am exhausted so I console myself with the relief that sleep brings. I awaken and have clarity. I know what it is that I must do, just to set things straight. I compose a letter in which I communicate the following. Assumptions and Expectations are the two places where I get into trouble. The second thing I communicate is that, I am not indicating that it is her that I am wanting. I do indicate that it is someone like her, that I am wanting to be emotionally and physically intimate with. I feel relief as I express my truth in a honest and respectful way.

This satisfies 2 conditions. The first is it communicates my feelings towards her in a respectful and non invasive way. The second is that it tells the Universe, this or something better please. In either way, I reached a feeling of relief and have now come to be at peace with my situation.

Law of attraction is working in my Life. All is well.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A New Dawn

This Day has dawned. It is filled with promise. I feel the excitement. This day is pregnant, it is unborn. I feel the energy as I venture forth and seek out opportunities, and circumstances that lie in wait. The moments that have been orchestrated by unseen forces. All manifestations waiting to spring into existence, as I allow all good things to appear. This day, this wonderous day. I am so grateful and filled with joy as I focus on that which I am wanting. Knowing that a manager, unseen fairy's and a powerful law, all move events into place, to deliver unto me all that I have asked for. The Magic Genie awaits only to grant my fondest wish. And I am the master of all I survey, as the universe wich loves and appreciates me exists, to grant all I desire for the continuation of creation. The whole of all that is, is here and rejoices at my choices and preferences, knowing that as they are granted, a new improved state of being comes into existence. The world is my oyster, my play place, my creative laboratory. Where do I want to go today ? Who do I want to be ? What do I want to experience ?

Ask and it is given.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Magic Number 739

Tonight I tabulated the numbers of people on Planet Earth who watched my videos on Youtube.
"The magic Number" came to 739. Now that may not be a very significant number by any means. I used to produce a Television show in New York city and had 22,000 viewers a week watching my TV show. I can't imagine what 22,000 people look like, so It is hard for me to realistically quantify by any shape or means what significance that has. I don't relate to that number. But I can quantify 739 and can relate to how many people that is. Therefore because of my ability to measure or quantify what 739 people look like, I feel a sense of satisfaction at what many would consider, an insignificant number.

We are only able to make sense of our reality based on our ability to quantify or measure anything. The ability of any conscious being to understand a concept is their ability to compare it to something they can relate to. The relationship between the observer and the observed is only real to the observer if they are able to quantify what it is that they observe. Otherwise the object that they observe is illusory or fails to make any logical or coherent sense, in terms of its ability to be observed and understood. When we can not measure something, it does not take on any reality that we can express to others. It becomes merely a concept or experience that we are unable to share or even discuss with others. THEREFORE WE WILL REMAIN SILENT UNTIL SOMEONE HAS A SIMILAR EXPERIENCE THEN WE HAVE AN OPENING TO DISCUSS OUR FINDINGS.

That is why scientists need to share and compare their notes. They are trying to assure that their findings are not delusional. It is also important to share knowledge because when we do we give each other inspiration and sometime fill in missing pieces that others may have observed or that we missed as we were distracted or trying to reach a different outcome or intention.

Whilst 739 is only an idea that we can interpret through our 5 sense and is turned into a chemical message that somehow our brain is able to comprehend through a very narrow doorway of perception, for now it will suffice. The thing about our attention and perception is that the narrow beam of what we are able to focus on or comprehend at any given time, that limits our comprehension of What is going on out there ? and what we think know ? We only know what we know, by sewing together the bits and pieces of what we have gathered together and think that we know as reality. This picture of fragments comprises our sense and perception of reality.

What do we now really about ourselves or reality. Doesn't that picture change as we grow in our comprehension of ourselves in relationship to the outside world.

We are quantifying who we are in or with respect to what we perceive about the outside world. It is only our relationship with the outside world that gives us a perception of who we are and who the world is. As that perception shifts, changes, and grows, our concept of who we are and what the world is, also continues to grow and change. Isn't it interesting how the number 739 can lead me to such a realization.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008

LOA & The Damsel in Distress

I received a plea for help today from a damsel in dire distress. She desperately needs a job and is trying to use the Law of Attraction to manifest her new job and asked me if I could give her advice. I replied combining everything I know about the Law of Attraction and applied it to her situation. This was my reply:

Dear Ms> X
Yes, I do. The feeling of Stuck ness comes from your negative feeling about not having money and needing it NOW. The negative feeling is an indicator. Its a good thing. Pay attention to it. First you need to find a way to make peace with where you are.

You can say I am where I am. Accept your predicament. I am not saying not to be proactive. But be proactive from a place of alignment.
I mean to say you have to be more focused on the solution than the problem. Find a way to get happy from where you are, and appreciative for all that life has blessed you with. Including this conversation. Once you can get to a place where you are not pushing against where you are:

You can start to move towards where you want to go.

Know this, you have asked, and it is already been manifested for you.
Your source is emitting a signal for you to come to where what you are asking for is already waiting for you. You can’t hear it from your current emotional point of vibration. Find a way to get happy. Then you have closed the gap and you can hear the call of (source) signal. The way you quantify your journey is to pay attention to how you feel relative to what you are wanting. If you feel sad, anxious, or in despair relative to what you want you are practicing the art of resistance. You have to feel happy where you are and exited at what’s coming, to manifest very quickly. If you are feeling otherwise it sets up a resistance pattern within you, and just pushes the thing you want farther away.

Do not focus on the amount of time it takes to manifest the job or the money etc., etc. Focus rather on your sense of expansion relative to what you want, and feel your expansion. Imagine it.

Focusing on time will only get you into a tug of war with time and then you are stuck pushing against time. Focus on your expansion.

Next, Do Not tell the story of where you are now. Telling that story only gets you more of what you already have. Rather tell the story of what you are wanting, and why you want it. But do not justify why you want it by telling the story of : why you want it because its so bad where you are, in order to justify wanting it. Do not Justify your desire, merely express it with self esteem. Only tell the story of what you want, why you want it and, How nice it will be when it arrives.

Prayer works. Try it. You can also soothe yourself into alignment by making statements like, wouldn’t it be nice if....

Blessings and Success to you.

I am surprised at the way I have integrated all of the knowledge of the Law of Attraction in such a powerful and complete way. I have spent a great deal of time and energy to learn what was not taught in "The Secret", and apply it to my life.

As well as I know this material and I am a teacher, I am also a student. I continue to learn from my higher self as the universe brings me opportunities to learn it on a higher level. I have recently composed a video course of more than 45 (5) minute lessons or segments. I am the teacher but I am also taking the course as I teach and construct it.



Monday, September 22, 2008

Focusing on a Mothers happiness

I will now go a little off topic. I discovered that in writing this that I am wanting my mother and mothers all over the planet to be happy. It is the nature of mothers to worry for their chidren. My intention is to come into alignment with being in an empowered place and calling my mother up to where I am in my love and joy and appreciation. From there I can soothe her into her alignment. Here is what I have been thinking about mothers. My mother, your mother, everyone's mother.

There are things that I choose not to tell my mother, partially because if I did it would not do her any good, and it would only be a drain on my energies having to explain myself to her. There are things that she need not know. Knowing my mother as I do, I know that she would worry needlessly or it would cause her unnecessary suffering.

As it is the nature of mothers to worry about their cubs long after they have left the den, one need not be forthcoming about all the possible dangers and injuries that one may suffice in the course of life. Of what possible benefit would this action do. I know that this would only cause trouble and needless drama.

Whilst honesty and integrity are the hallmarks of a good relationship, there are even things I would refrain from confessing to my personal confidant and keeper of my soul. Mothers are not on the level of a keeper of the secret(s), sins or shameful truths about ones self. Whilst they may imagine themselves as the one person in the entire world that their sons and daughters can confide in, there are truths and facts too ugly to share, even with ones own mother.

It is without a doubt that most mothers will make any sacrifice for their children, including the forfeiture of their very lives. Yet a son or daughter must have secrets even from their very own mother. I am sure that we want very much even later in life, to please our parent and there is also the fear of a loss of love, upon the discovery of a transgression.

There is also the fact that many mothers imagine unreal threats that may potentially harm their offspring or they fantasize some terrible events awaiting their inevitability.

Mothers, worry needlessly out of love, out of fear, out of a desire to protect their young. The fact is that a mother is capable of only so much and must release herself from the bond, which they have assumed. It is an awesome responsibility to be a mother. I would not wish it upon myself even though I am told that there are many joys in being a mother. They claim that the sacrifices are worth it.

I appreciate all this and take nothing for granted. Be that as it may, a child must keep some things private from even their mothers. By their very natures, a mother must also be protected by their young from things of which they can do nothing about.

On the Other hand..... Sometimes the only way to stop a mother from worrying is to tell the truth. In which case a mother may be able to help where others are unable to lend aid or assistance.

My love goes out to mothers everywhere.


Monday, September 15, 2008

LOA and the Peanut Gallery

LOA and the Peanut Gallery

If you are reading this, realize that you
Are drawing this to you that there is a reason you are reading this. Try and bear with the esoteric language as these are phrases used in the study of the Abraham material and have an energy or a vibration specific to this work. Perhaps it is not the words themselves but more the energy behind them that will speak to you.

When the peanut gallery brings up your stuff, realize that it’s your stuff and that it has nothing to do with them. You attracted it, and it is contrast coming up to help you identify a new desire. They are just a reflection or mirror of your obliviousness.

When you give your attention to the peanut gallery, it splits your energy and causes a separation between you and you. You cannot give your attention to the peanut gallery and be in alignment with yourself. You must focus upon your alignment and lovingly allow the peanut gallery to be what it is. You in your alignment are more powerful than 1 million people who are not. The peanut gallery will never be in alignment with themselves,
For they are pushing against. This is why they are “the peanut gallery”. You cannot help them from a place of disempowerment. You can only come into alignment with yourself and
Other loving empowered beings. Self-empowered beings are in non-resistance to who they have become. In order for you to be an up lifter you must first find your place of empowerment, and then be an example to the others.

In order to embrace one another we have to have open arms. You cannot embrace someone while you are pushing him or her away. Pushing against anything or anyone only causes a split in our energy. When your stuff comes up realize the contrast and quickly turn downstream to where everything you are wanting is waiting for you. Your contrast helps you to identify another desire. It is best to quickly realize that you are wanting the opposite, and to focus only upon that. As you identify the contrast your rockets of desire will emit from you, and what has been identified, as new desire becomes part of your spiritual escrow. Turn in the direction of this and come into alignment with the newly formed desire. As you achieve resonance it will manifest, thus giving you a new platform from which to create. Genius creator that you are,
You will find joy in this and appreciation in the contrast. The more we can appreciate the contrast, the more quickly we can turn and focus upon that which brings us joy. The shaping of the energy and the excitement and joy we feel as that which we have identified, is coming into being, is why we came here. We came here to be the genius creators that we are and to be in joy. We are creators created in the image of the creator. We are part of the creator and the created co-creating together in a world where we must allow each other to make choices that can only be born from the contrast that we have lived. The increased diversity of choices available to each of us allows for greater freedom and an improved condition. Each generation that comes into being comes as a result of the leading edge desires created by the
Previous generation that came before. Life continues to improve as the old ones pass away and the new ones come forth to create anew.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Scorpion and LOA

September 14th 2008

The Scorpion.

Tonight I felt very good. I felt uplifted after a caring and loving friend had called. I was feeling loved and cared for. The gap between my greater self and me was closed and I was in a joyful place.

I decided to take a quick shower before going back to work and so I stepped in to the shower after removing my clothes. As the water began to run out of the faucet I had the strangest thought pop into my head. The hairs on the back of my neck began to stand on end as the image of a scorpion popped into my mind. Why? What had caused that thought to creep in, whilst I was feeling so good? I couldn’t understand it. Immediately for no reason I could understand, I looked around the shower stall frantically searching for a scorpion.

Instantaneously he popped out from behind the shampoo bottle and was making for my feet. I stepped out of the shower stall and grabbed a can of Hornet killer and sprayed the scorpion. I watched as he died and placed him in a Coca Cola glass with a pair of forceps. All I can figure is that I was so in tune with Source Energy that I could feel the vibration of the scorpion before he appeared. Had I not been in a joyful mood and closed the gap between me and my higher self I would be stung right about now and using a poison extractor kit, to remove the venom from my foot. Law of Attraction is active and working in my life for my highest good.



Who’s Luggage is it? EFT tapping and self Love

Who’s Luggage is it?

When we come into relationship we all have luggage. The idea or concept is to be able to accept your partner’s luggage knowing that the good greatly outweighs the bad. I happen to be doing the Love Beyond Belief" course and I was tapping away at some EFT sessions, when all of a sudden I had an epiphany:

In relationship people’s stuff is bound to come up. There’s no point in worrying about it or tiptoeing around your partner, hoping you don’t step on one of their buttons or issues and set off a landmine. When your stuff comes up its your issue, and when your partners stuff comes up its their issue.

But more importantly it’s really important not to feel guilty when your partner’s stuff comes up. Don’t blame yourself or stop loving yourself or feeling good just because their stuff hit the fan. Years ago I learned that love brings up everything unlike itself for the purpose of healing. So relationships provide an excellent environment for a healing in progress. Its important to realize that when your issues come it is because you have had a thought, that is separate from the larger part of yourself and you are feeling the discord of not being up to speed with the larger part of you.

(Source energy part, higher self, God etc.)

There is no reason to stop loving yourself, but sometimes you cant get there from here until you realize that you are not responsible for someone else’s anger or hurt. They made that choice and it had nothing to do with you. If you inadvertently stepped on a landmine or their button, it was bound to happen anyway.

So just relax and enjoy the ride. You can not help someone from a place of disempowerment so you might as well set an example for your partner by closing the gap and encouraging your partner to come up to where you are, instead of you going down there to commiserate with them.

In your relationship, if your partner wants you to behave in a way that makes them feel better, it is because they do not know how to control the thoughts they think. Rather than choosing thoughts that feel good, they will try to control your behavior. This is because they do not know how to choose their thoughts and feelings. When you learn that your thoughts allow you to create your reality, you can consciously choose how you want to feel. Now you have control over your Vibrational set point and what and whom you attract into your life. Once you learn how to choose the thoughts you think to give you the feelings you want to feel you become an empowered individual who pushes their own buttons rather than being at the effect of the events that happen around you. You go from being an observer to being a visionary.

You dont have to monitor your thoughts, just monitor how you feel and intend to feel good no matter what.

Thanks Brad I am really learning from the course and it’s helping me to make realizations that would have taken much longer.


Logical Objective Science Vs Illogical Subjective Intuition

We should be calling intuition "The science of intuition". The word science according to Wikipedia means the following: Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge" or "to know") is the effort to discover, and increase human understanding of how the physical world works.

We can and do come to know the world through an intuitive process. Yet objective and logical scientists use intuition to discover new knowledge, that we then add to our database of what we know and call knowledge. Often times we can feel our way to a new conclusion and then seek to prove it mathematically or through experimentation.

The law of attraction states that as we state our intention we hold an intention in our minds. Then come into alignment with that intention, and we align ourselves with the feeling of having or discovering our question or goal. Then in our alignment it is revealed to us. We can have access to the collective consciousness or unconscious and tap into thoughts that have been thought since the beginning of time. Every thought that has ever been thought is made available to us for the asking. Does science with its strictly objective “tried and tested” methodology of strict trial and error, owe it success to an illogical and unfounded principle such as intuition?

Does science feel its way into the future? As we seek to push back and expand the frontiers of what we know, Is it being revealed to us a piece at a time? According to the law of attraction: “Whenever we ask it is given”. How is science any different than from asking for a new car, or a new house, or a soul mate?

If the observer can influence the observed, than we create our own reality or our collective reality, based upon our beliefs, expectations, and the story we tell about what happened or continues to happen. Quantum particles and waves of energy take on the shape of our thoughts. We are affecting the quantum field of causality. Each of us is a small gravity field generator. As particles or energy patterns fall into the event horizon of our gravitational fields, when we resonate with a particular object or event it is attracted into our environment or experience. This is partially what Vibrational Escrow and Law of Attraction mean.

The exponential growth that is occurring in the fields of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Particle physics and Quantum Cosmology can only come from one source, Intuition.

In the vast skies above, how is it that we know where to focus and point the Hubble Space Telescope? Are we just lucky or is there something more to it? It should take us at least 50 - 100 years to make the leaps and bounds that we are making in just a few months. We have found “Dark Matter Rings” and “Wandering Comet Galaxies” and “Bright Gaseous Galaxies” that produce brand new “Blue stars” as they unwind and lose Gaseous Mass and Dark Matter.

How or why have we been so lucky to find all these new things in such a short time? Who told us to point that Telescope in a particular slice of the night sky? With the tremendous amount of data to sift through and digest, we must be inundated with data. Analyzing that data should take many months, if not years to quantify and digest. How is it that we have we been so lucky?

Our focus is like a narrow flashlight beam, that is pointed at an enormous wall. Yet somehow we are making new discoveries at a fantastic rate. Who or what force is telling us to focus our attention on a particular part of the wall? Intuition I think, Law of Attraction is at play here. The human mechanism is a very complex apparatus. We are part physical and part energy. Our consciousness is not something that can be measured or graphed by any machine or apparatus. It is something that can only be described. As logical as we humans are, there is a lot to be said for the illogical, irrational intuitive mind. Law of attraction will get us there. We are currently discovering that we are much greater beings than we ever envisioned ourselves to be. We are physical beings, but much more than that we are “Vibrational Energy Beings” occupying a physical envelope for the purpose of exploring the universe in which we live. There is great joy in discovery. I wish all of you joy as you continue to discover the world in which you live. If you ask, it is given. Every time. No exceptions.



Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Search for God particles

The Search for God (particles)

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a woman friend who is a scientist. She wanted me to explain my beliefs in science and how I bridge the gap between Science and spirituality. When I awoke this morning certain thoughts began to coalesce in my mind. I explained my understanding as follows:

Many years ago…..
I had unanswered questions. ie: Is this all there is ?
Where did we come from ?
Where are we going ?
Why are we here ?
Where do we go after this life ?
No one I knew had answers to my questions and my questions made them uncomfortable.
I started to seek the answers on my own. It led me away from Judaism, down a spiritual and occult path. At some point I discovered and developed my intuition.

Eventually I learned that the bridge between science and spirituality was quantum physics. When we as the observer can affect the outcome of an experiment just by observing the experiment with a desired intention, then we begin to grasp that our thoughts are energy and that energy has an effect on the physical universe.

If one takes to heart the message of Christ which is : Ask and it is given, As we observe that the intention of the practitioner in Tai Chi Tuan affects the way that energy flows as well as in quantum physics, and that what we call coincidences are really our Vibrational escrow being manifested, we begin to see that our thoughts profoundly influence our reality.

When you perceive everything in the universe as energy including yourself you begin to bridge the gap between science and spirituality and the universe begins to unfold before you in a revealed way. There is no conflict between science and spirituality when you begin to perceive everything around you as energy.

E=mc (squared) means that everything in the universe is energy. That is why the E is at one end of the equation with everything else at the other end. Einstein translated a spiritual principle into a mathematical one.

Lately there is a lot of Buzz about the super collider at CERN. This would have gone un noticed by me except that I am something of a science junkie. Somehow this event stood out in my mind as I attempted to wrap my mind around this question or problem. There were fears that the search for this God particle would create a micro black hole and that we would all be sucked into it. The other fear was that the experiments done at CERN would create strange matter, and that this more stable form of matter would cause a chain reaction, and all matter would be converted to strange matter as a consequence. There was also the fear that antimatter would be created and that this would also be a big problem.

Stephen Hawking assured everyone that if this happened the antimatter would evaporate in the first few seconds and that there ideas of any danger were unfounded.

So the question arises why would scientists do this, why would they go to such great risks and put everyone on this Earth in such great personal danger ?

The answer is simple as pie (or is that Pi)
I realized scientists were asking the same questions that I was asking. Who are we, how did we get here and where are we going ?
We have an overpowering desire to know our place in the universe and to understand the way everything including ourselves came into being. They aren’t just searching for the “God particle” they are searching for God himself or herself.

We are discovering that we are energy and that we
are a part of god, co creators with the creator and with each other. As children of a divine being we are discovering our place in the cosmos and our true relationship to one another. The project at CERN and the one far above us in space is an example of what happens when nations work together in peace for a common good. Our world is changing for the better in our search to discover our place in the cosmos and in that effort we are coming to the bridge where science and spirituality comes together. It is already staring us in the face waiting for us to notice what has been said by avatars and mystics, since the beginning of history, that we are made in the image of the creator. We are creators and co creators with the divine and each other.

I know that Carl Sagan where ever he may be is watching with great joy and appreciation as we discover our heritage and purpose and my thoughts go out to him with great affection. Since my thoughts are real and have an energy of their own, I know that somehow he will receive them and that they will have some effect upon the vibration that is or was Carl Sagan.

Blessings and happy journeys wherever they may lead you,


Friday, September 12, 2008

The leading edge of New Thought

If you think that Super Colliers in Europe are the leading edge of thought guess again.

One thing about being ot here on the leading edge of thought is that the thoughts are so deep that if I don't keep up I may drown. I am now being surrounded by some very deep people. It is wonderful and a bit scary, the new leading edge thoughts they think are so deep, I am feeling that I could drown. I have to stretch myself and my mind so I can wrap my understanding around them. This is how I know when I am out there on the leading edge. Sink or swim, there is no floating out here.

I am constantly pushing my own envelope as far as technology, consciousness, human design, psychology and awareness are concerned. When I am resting there are things happening, shifts and growh taking place out on the leading edge and then I am no longer on the leading edge.

Either keep up or get left behind.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Re Emergence into the Physical.

Is it possible that before we were alive we were dead ? What I mean to say is that: I am a spiritual being having a physical experience, and a physical being having a spiritual experience. Before I was alive, the soul or source part of me, that is aware of itself had to come from somewhere. I was non-physical source energy and I re-emerged into the physical. This raises the question of a prior existence or prior lifetimes.

I started a conversation with a woman friend tonight that went something like this ? Is it possible for two people who were lovers in a prior incarnation to meet again in another lifetime, and fall in love all over again ? Whilst this is a terribly romantic idea that appeals to me, I wonder if the soul or self is capable of carrying memories and powerful feelings from lifetime to lifetime. The idea that two dear friends who have not seen each other for several lifetimes have a recognition of each another upon meeting, appeals to me.

What caused me to ponder such things ? I believe I may have had such a past life, Deja Vu type of memory. I remember that I was a rascal with a shady past, who was somewhat infamous in American history. This idea appeals to me as well. It was more a memory or recognition rather than a fantasy or day dream. I even used a scientific test to check, and see if my body would let me tell a lie about this. I tested positive. I actually remember being that person, and muscle tested positive for having been that individual, in a prior lifetime.

When we do Applied Kinesiology the body can not lie. It must consistently test weak when the answer is false and strong when the answer is true. Even if our minds don't know an answer the body can be used like a large lie detector. One can test for allergies, memories and even intuitions about ourselves or others. This idea that we have lived before has been tested by many hypnotherapists to include obscure historical facts about people and places that were amazingly accurate. This occurred whilst under the influence of hypnosis.

I am sure that many religious types will argue for and against reincarnation. I am neither disputing nor promoting reincarnation. I am merely posing the question and conducting an inquiry, as to what survives when we die and can we bring things with us into this life from a past existence. Did Mozart, Bach and Beethoven carry music and artistic inspiration with them from a prior existence ? Look at the tremendous body of work that each individual produced in their short but impressive lifetime. The works are magnificent and survive with us even unto this day. Since the days of their lives, we have not seen any souls of their like. It causes one to wonder if their skill was not borrowed or carried over from another lifetime. What brave new world was it that created men such as these ? I wonder if each and every one of us is merely a work in progress, a work that may span many lifetimes.



Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Keys to Happiness

Many years ago my kid brother told me the following "secret to happiness". He said "Corbin, a man needs something to do, something to love and something to hope for." At the time I thought those were very wise words. In fact I was the happiest when I had all three elements working at the same time. My brother is a very profound soul. However, he alike many people I know were trying to tell others how to be happy when they weren't really happy themselves. Their happiness was temporary. They were on the roller coaster of life with its ups and downs. Happiness was only a temporary state. Eventually the pendulum would swing the other way and things would equalize. I figured one could not be happy without eating a little cow pie now and again. I was wrong.

The truth is that we were meant to be happy. Really, no kidding. It is our destiny to be in joy. My father used to say "Son, life is alot like a bed sheet, its short and shitty". So, there we have it, a belief programmed into a young child at an early age. That forms a thought pattern or habit called a belief. These beliefs when held for a lifetime can be very hard to change. Until now. I am going to introduce you to the idea that old energy patterns held inside the body, and the subconscious can be released easily, effortlessly and inexpensively. How ? You dont believe me. Its ok, because I am living proof. A few weeks ago the stuff in my life hit the fan in such a big way that I thought that I would never recover. I was so wrong. It was an only opportunity to discover something so big and so life changing that my life would never be the same.

Sometimes misfortune is really an opportunity in disguise. I am as some may know a student of Abraham Hicks. I have been for close to two years. When my business was abruptly shut down for legal reasons, I was devistated. All of a sudden I had no career and no way of getting an income. I had to seek out expensive lawyers and consult with many professionals in state government. I needed to learn how to survive my predicament. I went home in such a hopeless and depressed state of mind that suicide was an option I was considering, in the most serious way. I decided to fight an not give up, and that part of the fight was that, I was determined to find a way to make myself feel better. I did not know how, but I did know that by reaching for better feeling thoughts I could improve my emotional state.

The problem was this, when you are depressed and feeling hopeless you can not immeadiately reach for happiness. It is not vibrationally compatable and the Universe can not buck your current. How do you get there from here ? I was in shock, so I called a friend who is a motivator. She works with extremely talented individuals in the classical music field, when they suffer a life changing injury. She helps them to make a comback. In short she is a miracle worker. I called her and told her of my plight. She recommended that I start tapping on my thymus point and that it would help me. The trouble with this advice was I did not know where my thymus was.
I logged on to the web and went to Youtube, looking for a video on where the thymus was. Bingo ! I not only found a video on where the thymus was, but it also recommended tapping on other points as well.

Amazingly enough, I sat there tapping and noticed that, in a very short period of time I was actually starting to feel better. The video was on something called EFT and I started to search for more and started tapping more. The more I tapped the better I felt. In just a few short hours I was feeling fantastic and had downloaded over 30 videos on EFT. I started grouping them into topics like success, confidence, intuition, Blood clearing, self love, overcomeing fear, feeling better and just daily tapping routines for general well being. The next day I spent the whole day tapping on points. All my fear and nervousness had left me and I was filled with an optimism and mental clarity that was hard to believe. There was something miraculous here, that I had never encounted. I started to study up on this topic and found that energy patterns stored for a lifetime, can be releaased in just a few short hours using the Acupuncture points and EFT protocols. My hangups and old beliefs were being dissolved before my eyes. They were being replaced by newer healthier attitudes that supported me, and allowed me to open to new possibilities for my life.

This crisis had actually been a turning point for me, to access a new technology in personal growth and developement. As I studied further I discovered that there was a huge connection between the work I had done with Abraham Hicks and the EFT technique. As it turns out there is a large community of people who study the work of Abraham, who are tapped in to EFT. I had never known that there was such a group. I learned that the EFT work and teachings of Abraham go hand in hand. This work in EFT was the next logical step. It allows one to focus their mind in a positive way on positive thoughts to yeild a happy, joyful, loving and appreciative vibrational set point. It helps you to clean up your vibration, old patterns that have not been cleaned up and are still wreaking havoc in your life. Thoughts and feelings that keep popping up as sad thoughts and feelings, are erased in just a few short minutes. Every time I tap, I clean up the old stuff a little bit more. I access a newer higher vibration on whatever the old topic was. It is what Abraham talks about when he mentions cleaning up the old stuff, anf focusing your mind on thoughts that feel better. It is an extremely powerful tool for transformation.

In EFT one literally pushes one own buttons, to reach better feeling places and thoughts. There are eight keys to happiness and they are the pressure points taught in EFT. This in combination with the Abraham Hicks "Art of allowing work" , can only lead to better and better lives for all concerned. I am a changed and improved person thanks to EFT and the Law of Attraction. I have been an intuitive healer and health care provider for 25 years. This technique is the quantum leap I have been looking for. All you have to do is tap. Your body does the rest. Does it sound too easy ? too simple ? Perhaps. But the proof is in the tapping.

Happy Journeys, whatever choice you make on your way home.



Shift Happens

I observe with the introduction of such devices as laptop computers, PDA's and smart phones, that people actually have more free time out of the office. This has also contributed to 24 hour worldwide access to information and communication. This has also lead to a quantum leap or a new Renaissance.

People who have more free time for leisure have had time to ponder their lives. Human beings since the beginning of time have always sought out an improved condition or a better way to do something. We are improvement seeking machines, therefore it is only natural to seek a better way of life for ourselves. We want a better job, more money, better relationships, a nicer dwelling place, a healthier body, more happiness. This is a part of the natural order, life; society; and the world; must improve.

I go to Books-a-million where I see people involved in the activity of improving themselves and their minds whilst perusing the shelves, sitting in the Cafe's and just lounging around and reading. The number and types of people that congregate there is impressive. There is such diversity, as to cause one to wonder what is going on here? I have seen every type of person from affluent to the homeless, spending time reading and gathering together to discuss their discoveries. There is a hunger for knowledge and a desire to access information and resources. We are as a species improving ourselves in the information age. The information super-highway is just one example. We have gone from the world wide traffic jam to the information super highway in just a few short years. Fiber optics and broadband connections have seen to that. The number of text messages and Google searches that take place every day is astounding.

Shift Happens, Change Happens, we are going outside of our comfort zones, from the uncomfortable familiar to the new improved us. We must if we are to be happy. We want a better situation or living condition. As much as there is diversity and we do not want or like all of the same things, that diversity contributes to the variety of choices available to us, to have something different or better. Not everyone likes peanut butter and Jelly nor are they supposed to. The variety that exists and continues to grow on the great buffet of life, expands our choices and makes greater freedoms and unlimitedness available to us as a species. The very freedom we cherish and the number of choices available to us as to how we think, live, dress and behave is expanding exponentially. It is going to be very exciting to see what happens over the next fifty years in terms of human evolution, lifestyle and personal development. I myself am so grateful to be alive in this day and age, to co-create with the rest of you.

The world is changing for the better. The more we resist that change the more pain we experience. If you resist you only make it harder for yourself. The more we come into alignment with our own growth, the more joyfully and abundantly we will experience life. The choice is ours, we are going whether we like it or not. The question to ask ourselves on a continual basis is : Are we going willfully or are we resisting. Like it or not, we are going anyway, singing and laughing or kicking and screaming. The choice is ours.

The Youtube video that shows "Shift Happens", left out one minor detail. Life is improving and we are evolving.



Cleaning Dishes and LOA

Today I wanted to reach for a better feeling not just in the kitchen but about my home and myself. I saw the sink and the dishes that wait patiently for my attentions. I am hungry and wish to make an omlette. All I require for this task is a fry pan, oil and a whisk.

As I look at the fry pan it needs a little cleanup just to make it hygienically sound. But I am not satisfied with this. I am reaching for a better feeling place as I begin to wash more and more of the dishes in the sink. I have many tools for this job that make it easy for me to accomplish. This task becomes a meditation as I set forth to reach a better feeling place. As the sink becomes more and more clean I feel that I am feeling better and want to experience more of this. I am at the point where I am wanting to feel really good as I reach for a better feeling place.

I can not only see the bottom of the sink but I am feeling really good now, how good the sink looks. The sink becomes empty and I feel a sigh of relief come over me. I know now that the effort was worth it and I am feeling happy. Normally one does not think about reaching for a better feeling by cleaning the sink. When the reward is that I get to feel better and I am having great appreciation for now nice the sink and kitchen look, now I realize that the only reason I ever need to clean the house or do anything for that matter is to reach a place that feels better. That is why any of us really does anything for ourselves or anyone else, is that we feel that we will feel good or feel better than we feel now.

No one ever does anything for any other reason that they want to feel better. When you focus on reaching for a better feeling or have a desire to feel better, than the motivation to commit to any action or cause becomes natural. Dont ever do anything unless you really want to. That goes for EFT tapping , taking a bath or going to work for that matter. Let your feelings be your compass to joy.

Be Magnificent,


Monday, September 8, 2008

Law of Attraction coincidence, I think not.

Today I finished doing a class on Love Beyond Belief. I have repeated this workshop 3 times over the weekend. My profile on 2 different dating sites is getting hits. Also I went in to teach Anatomy and Physiology today and todays class was on the human heart. Not of my choosing I can assure you.

Coincidence, I think not. The universe is always on target relecting back to us what we think about but more so what we feel about. What happens in our life on a daily basis is always a vibrational indicator of where we are at. For now as I continue to clean up my child hood and life long traumas with EFT my life is continuing to improve. In other words I feel better about myself and people in ways that I never did before. Not only do I feel safer and more secure, I am more outwardly and self loving.

Im ready for Love Beyond Belief.



Monday, September 1, 2008

Cant Stop Tapping.

Hello Campers,

Im new to this Blog space but have blogged before and really missed it.
Im back....(grin)

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror this morning and actually felt better about me. My life or the shit in my life hit the fan 3 days ago, but I feel fine. Really I do. Ive been tapping away with EFT and finding things on Youtube that really helped me, not only to feel better but reach for better feeling thoughts.

As I looked at my naked body in the mirror today I thought I look better today. Thats not an odd thought for me but what is odd is that I actually felt better and had a really clear feeling sense that this was true. I really feel fine and I notice that the more I use EFT the easier it is to reach for a better feeling thought.

I have been using Brad Yates and David Childerley's EFT videos as well as a few others I found on the web. I was so pleased I wrote David a letter of appreciation. To my delight and surprise he actually wrote a very sweet reply. I love that guy. After the first time I saw his videos I was feeling so much appreciation for his work I actually wanted to give the guy a hug ( I am soo gay, not). Really, I felt a connection or some sort of bond with him. One day I hope we meet. Perhaps I will give the guy a hug.

I will continue to use EFT in my life as a result of the very powerful effect it has already had. For those of you who dont know what EFT means it stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. I studied Touch for Health as a Massage Therapist, but I did not know it was a precursor to EFT. Wow what a coincidence. Had I countinued my Touch for health education, I would have come into contact with EFT eventually. It is strange how a crisis in ones life can speed up their spiritual and personal growth.

There is this very cute EFT practitioner named Elise Lebeau who I enjoy very much. She calls herself a professional intuitive. I like her tapping videos but I still cant get over how cute she is. I intend to use her videos to boost my intuition and perhaps I will find time to attend one of her workshops.

Well my Oatmeal is in the microwave and I need to do some Tapping before I get myself in gear for the day, so for now I will say Au Revior.

Dont Stop Tapping ,

Corbin. : D