Friday, September 12, 2008

The leading edge of New Thought

If you think that Super Colliers in Europe are the leading edge of thought guess again.

One thing about being ot here on the leading edge of thought is that the thoughts are so deep that if I don't keep up I may drown. I am now being surrounded by some very deep people. It is wonderful and a bit scary, the new leading edge thoughts they think are so deep, I am feeling that I could drown. I have to stretch myself and my mind so I can wrap my understanding around them. This is how I know when I am out there on the leading edge. Sink or swim, there is no floating out here.

I am constantly pushing my own envelope as far as technology, consciousness, human design, psychology and awareness are concerned. When I am resting there are things happening, shifts and growh taking place out on the leading edge and then I am no longer on the leading edge.

Either keep up or get left behind.


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