Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Shift Happens

I observe with the introduction of such devices as laptop computers, PDA's and smart phones, that people actually have more free time out of the office. This has also contributed to 24 hour worldwide access to information and communication. This has also lead to a quantum leap or a new Renaissance.

People who have more free time for leisure have had time to ponder their lives. Human beings since the beginning of time have always sought out an improved condition or a better way to do something. We are improvement seeking machines, therefore it is only natural to seek a better way of life for ourselves. We want a better job, more money, better relationships, a nicer dwelling place, a healthier body, more happiness. This is a part of the natural order, life; society; and the world; must improve.

I go to Books-a-million where I see people involved in the activity of improving themselves and their minds whilst perusing the shelves, sitting in the Cafe's and just lounging around and reading. The number and types of people that congregate there is impressive. There is such diversity, as to cause one to wonder what is going on here? I have seen every type of person from affluent to the homeless, spending time reading and gathering together to discuss their discoveries. There is a hunger for knowledge and a desire to access information and resources. We are as a species improving ourselves in the information age. The information super-highway is just one example. We have gone from the world wide traffic jam to the information super highway in just a few short years. Fiber optics and broadband connections have seen to that. The number of text messages and Google searches that take place every day is astounding.

Shift Happens, Change Happens, we are going outside of our comfort zones, from the uncomfortable familiar to the new improved us. We must if we are to be happy. We want a better situation or living condition. As much as there is diversity and we do not want or like all of the same things, that diversity contributes to the variety of choices available to us, to have something different or better. Not everyone likes peanut butter and Jelly nor are they supposed to. The variety that exists and continues to grow on the great buffet of life, expands our choices and makes greater freedoms and unlimitedness available to us as a species. The very freedom we cherish and the number of choices available to us as to how we think, live, dress and behave is expanding exponentially. It is going to be very exciting to see what happens over the next fifty years in terms of human evolution, lifestyle and personal development. I myself am so grateful to be alive in this day and age, to co-create with the rest of you.

The world is changing for the better. The more we resist that change the more pain we experience. If you resist you only make it harder for yourself. The more we come into alignment with our own growth, the more joyfully and abundantly we will experience life. The choice is ours, we are going whether we like it or not. The question to ask ourselves on a continual basis is : Are we going willfully or are we resisting. Like it or not, we are going anyway, singing and laughing or kicking and screaming. The choice is ours.

The Youtube video that shows "Shift Happens", left out one minor detail. Life is improving and we are evolving.



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