Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who’s Luggage is it? EFT tapping and self Love

Who’s Luggage is it?

When we come into relationship we all have luggage. The idea or concept is to be able to accept your partner’s luggage knowing that the good greatly outweighs the bad. I happen to be doing the Love Beyond Belief" course and I was tapping away at some EFT sessions, when all of a sudden I had an epiphany:

In relationship people’s stuff is bound to come up. There’s no point in worrying about it or tiptoeing around your partner, hoping you don’t step on one of their buttons or issues and set off a landmine. When your stuff comes up its your issue, and when your partners stuff comes up its their issue.

But more importantly it’s really important not to feel guilty when your partner’s stuff comes up. Don’t blame yourself or stop loving yourself or feeling good just because their stuff hit the fan. Years ago I learned that love brings up everything unlike itself for the purpose of healing. So relationships provide an excellent environment for a healing in progress. Its important to realize that when your issues come it is because you have had a thought, that is separate from the larger part of yourself and you are feeling the discord of not being up to speed with the larger part of you.

(Source energy part, higher self, God etc.)

There is no reason to stop loving yourself, but sometimes you cant get there from here until you realize that you are not responsible for someone else’s anger or hurt. They made that choice and it had nothing to do with you. If you inadvertently stepped on a landmine or their button, it was bound to happen anyway.

So just relax and enjoy the ride. You can not help someone from a place of disempowerment so you might as well set an example for your partner by closing the gap and encouraging your partner to come up to where you are, instead of you going down there to commiserate with them.

In your relationship, if your partner wants you to behave in a way that makes them feel better, it is because they do not know how to control the thoughts they think. Rather than choosing thoughts that feel good, they will try to control your behavior. This is because they do not know how to choose their thoughts and feelings. When you learn that your thoughts allow you to create your reality, you can consciously choose how you want to feel. Now you have control over your Vibrational set point and what and whom you attract into your life. Once you learn how to choose the thoughts you think to give you the feelings you want to feel you become an empowered individual who pushes their own buttons rather than being at the effect of the events that happen around you. You go from being an observer to being a visionary.

You dont have to monitor your thoughts, just monitor how you feel and intend to feel good no matter what.

Thanks Brad I am really learning from the course and it’s helping me to make realizations that would have taken much longer.


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